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Third Quarter King and Queen County Historical Society Meeting

On Sunday, July 24th Dr. Carroll William Westfall spoke at the 3rd Quarter Historical Society Meeting on how buildings and architecture traditionally shaped the civic order in rural settings. Dr. Westfall taught at Amherst College, at the University of Illinois in Chicago, at the University of Virginia, and retired in 2015 from the University of Notre Dame. He has published three books and numerous articles on topics from antiquity onward with a focus on the history of the city. Using images, he discussed how early local architecture evolved from rudimentary structures to the more classical style in public structures, from schools to government buildings, that promoted a sense of civic order and community. He noted the architectural features that unconsciously influence the behavior of individuals and emphasized that architects of public buildings today should use design elements that convey the power of a building’s purpose rather than solely focus on aesthetic features.

After the meeting, the attendees were invited to the Tavern Museum for refreshments.